Wednesday 28 April 2010

Greece Is Just A Small Pig, Keep Eye Out For The Dog UK And The Ugly Hippo USA

"All this drama on financial markets cos of the greeks?!" I thought for a second. But I guess it's not really about Greece anymore. It's about the fact that many many states are in deep debt and the fact that the fallout from the financial crisis was just transfered to the sovereign market.

The shit has been been moved, but it still stinks. And someones going to find it. So what if the ECB and IMF "save" Greece now? What money exactely are they using? Yeah, money that will be missing in their own pocket. I understand Germans reactions. Why pay for the laissez-faire politics and head-in-sand tactics of other nations/governments.

Portugal, then Italy, how are the IMF and Germany, France going to finance handout after handout? It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me right now. With unemployment rates in those countries approaching 10-15%?!

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