Friday 23 April 2010

Mobile Phone Market - Why Nokia Is Crumbling And iPhone Is On Everyones Mind

I have this friend who works promoting different brands of mobile phones. It's a really good contact to have cos she can give me "real time" info on what consumers are asking for and more to the point buying.

Recently she was promoting Nokia phones and said that it was just unbelievable how many people have recent Nokia models explained to them and then just move on. She spoke to the shop manager cos she was worried she's somehow miss-selling it and got the answer: Don't worry about it, nearly everyone is asking for iPhones.

A week later she was promoting Samsung phones. And it seems they really do have a phone that is nearly as good as the iPhone and has the same kind of screen aswell as intuitive operating system. The difference being its much cheaper than the iPhone. But the problem is: the iPhone is always getting free advertising because a lot of apps are first developed for it, so people aren't as eager or openminded.

I was recently also speaking to a tech company who make payment apps and was told that iPhone users seem to be more communicative and open when talking to friends (i.e. marketing for them). The tech company didn't want to offend Samsung but it was clear that they weren't trying as hard for the phones produced by them. They also said that the Facebook "via iPhone" is a huge bonus for promoting that brand. (I did notice that Blackberry also have a neat little logo when someone writes a status from their phones, but the iPhone is more widespread at the moment)

Hopefully that will change, because I'm a big fan of LG and Samsung phones.


  1. I was told that iphone are less popular in countries with very cold weather as touchscreen phone isnt that convenient with gloves on or something to do with heat, and that blackberry are the preferable choice instead, is that so? not so sure, cuz i live in the equator. over here iphone users multiply faster than mice.

  2. :) like the "multiplying like mice" ...

    15-20c here at the moment... no glooves needed in western europe :D but I guess eskimos wouldn't use iPhones... small market though ;)

  3. I have an iphone and the moment I want to switch to another phone, I realize I locked in with iTune, which is all my collection and my podcasts... no other place to go.
