Saturday 4 December 2010

Follow Up Review Of The Ergotron DS100 Quad Monitor Stand

As you may have read here I've been pondering how to clean up my desk with regards to screens and using the available space in the best way.

Now I actually own one of those quad monitor stands and must say I'm quite pleased. It's really easy to assemble and 3/4 monitors (I had four different models, 3 brands) were easily mountable except for one old one.

Considering you can get good 22" monitors on ebay etc for USD 100 (used) and the stand costs less than USD 450 - you can get a pro trader desk for USD 1000.

Considering I almost lost USD 9000 last week (last 10 days) that's an investment that will please me on a daily basis for years to come.

I use it this way: On one screen I have the FX open, with margin, open positions, charts, on another I have 4-5 market depths of stocks I'm active in, on the third I have general news and index charts. The forth slot on the Quad Stand is currently empty. My old 19" BenQ screen had this strange stand I couldn't unscrew.

But especially when you lean back in your chair (40") the upper two screens are really easy on the eyes. However when I sit 25" close to the monitor stand I do have to tilt my head slightly backward. Maybe I need a chair that can swivel higher... Not a construction fault of the stand, more a issue of my table being to narrow, me sitting to close.

Bottom line: If you're risking thousands of USD a week, this will be one investment that will give you a nice return and make all PC-related activities more comfortable.

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