Wednesday 26 May 2010

Interesting Bloomberg Interview With David Bloom HSBC

I had Bloomberg -"the pulse" - on in one of my screens (kind of picture in picture). Instead of the by-now-boring economic non-event Oil-Spill they're beating to death every 15minutes, they had two currency strategists on. One from UBS and one from HSBC.

Now it seems UBS had a EURUSD target of 1.50 in DEC. Now they have 1.15! The guy from HSBC however has 1.30-35. The fun part was the guy from HSBC saying that UBS was just swinging with the market changing its mind. He made the point that both currencies are "bad" because they both have debt-problems in the background. But he thinks the US is worse off because they're doing absolutely nothing to adress the problem. His conclusion the EUR will get back in favour and just swing around like a pendulum. The UBS guy thinks the EUR is fundamentally flawed, then the HSBC guy cut in and said: "That didn't stop you having a 1.50 target last year did it..." It's rare you see the guests have a go at each other. The UBS guy just calmly said that one has to follow the money/flows/liquidity.

I personally also believe the USD isn't really a safe place long term at all.

PS: Bloomberg TV is a pain in the ass 90% of the time though. Why do they give "breaking news": Timothy Geitner has landed in London. I mean who really gives a shit. It's what he says or when it starts that is of interest. They are so effing superficial on these channels 90% of the time.

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